Repair service on Djembe and other drums

Drum Head re-heading

If your drum head skin has torn we can support you on how you can change it yourself or you can send it in to us and we do the job for you. There are many possibilities of influencing the sound by choosing a specific type of skin. A wide selection of different skins can be found on our page drum head Skins. We can restor your drumskin in many different styles, with or without a hair rim and positioning the ring high or low how ever you prefer it. Reskinning is always a good chance to make small or large improvements on your drum at the same time.
Sending your drum back within Germany costs 8,90 €. The whole process of work including the drying time is approximately 8 days.
New drum head skin on Djembe
Skin price: ab 30 € + working hours: 128 €

Drum renewal
A broken drum is always a chance to do small or large alterations. May be you find a different rope color more attractive or you prefer a different drum head style. You might want to change the rings or ask for smothening the interior. We can do wood repairs and oil your drumshell. What ever it is we are glad to help and assist you with our experience.
New tuning rope
rope price: 20 € + working hours 45 €, free color choice
New ring knots
rope price: 5 € + working hours 15 € per ring, free color choice
New Ring cloth wraping
15 € per ring, free color choice
starting from 20 €, for straightening and smoothening the
drum head rim, polishing the shell etc.
15 €, for oiling the shell
Woven Rope Handle Grip
All colors can be choosen: 15 €
Shortening your drum
to match a specific hight: 25 €

Woodwork all around your Djembe drum
We are open to all kinds of challanges from the raw shell to the highly polished 5 Star Supreme Djembe. On request we offer the following woodworks:
- reshaping, straightening and smothening the drum head rim
- straightening the base of the foot
- smothening the interior or exterior shell
- repair of small and large chracks, holes and other bruises
- oiling or waxing the wood
- engravings
- inlays with caurishells or precious stones
- shortening your Drum to a specific hight
- and lots more ...

Your individual Djembe, custom made
If you are looking for an exceptional Djembe please consult us. We custom build Djembes to individual requirements.
- we build very individual Djembe drums to match all your requirements
- you can choose individual timbers and shells
- we can ajust the size to match your hight
- you can chose rope colors, ring colors, skins
- we can build your drum to your personal sound preferances
- We are happy to discuss all your design and decor wishes
- we are open to any new challange

Precise tuning
Through our devotion to African drums for over two decades we have gained lots of experience to be able to provide the best tuning for each individual drum enabling the optimal characteristic sound to develop. We tune every drum precisely. We will tune the drum to your personal preference.
Retightening & retuning
We retune your purchased drum free of charge even after years. For this purpose, please arrange an appointment with us. We ask for your understanding that these free service does not apply to dealers or customers who have purchased great quantities of drums such as schools. In these cases we need to calculate the tuning with 25 € per drum.